
Statement by Rob Menendez on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen is an unprecedented, irresponsible, and dangerous decision by the extremist, far-right majority on the Court. Just as states like ours struggle to get guns off of our streets, the Court has opened the floodgates to allow more violence, more death, and more injuries in our cities and towns.

“The idea, that in the most densely populated state in America, anyone- with absolutely no common sense limits- would be allowed to carry a concealed gun is stunningly irresponsible.

This decision will do nothing to stop the mass shootings that occur more and more frequently across our country, but will make residents of districts like ours feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods. We must fight to keep and expand our Democratic majority in the Senate, and push through judicial appointments that will protect our children, our families, our neighbors, and our friends.”