Rob's Priorities


Healthcare is a human right. It is crucial that we lower the cost of quality health insurance, protect the right to choose, improve equity and access to medical care, and make sure that every American receives the best healthcare possible regardless of ability to pay. I will consider all legislative options to do so. 

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has provided access to healthcare to tens of millions of underinsured or uninsured individuals across the United States, including many in our district. While Republicans in Washington, D.C. continue to try their best to make healthcare harder to access through countless attempts to gut the ACA and dismantle protections long-afforded to women through Roe v. Wade., Democrats are working every day to expand the ACA and find meaningful solutions to the healthcare challenges facing our families. 

And we know that Republicans will not stop with abortion and will keep pushing to places that none of us want to go. That’s why I have made it my mission in Congress to stand tall for the Eighth Congressional District and all Americans as a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus. I have cosponsored several major reproductive bills like the Right to Contraception Act and the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify Roe and restore a woman’s fundamental right over her own body.

And too often, our healthcare system forces American families to make an impossible choice between their health and financial stability. That’s why I voted for the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act, which would require the disclosure of information regarding healthcare costs, address opaque practices that make quality care less accessible, and increase accountability. I’m also the Chair of the Dads Caucus Mental Health Working Group, which fights to address stigmas associated with mental health and expand access to the services and supports families need. 

We must ensure that access to all forms of healthcare is protected and expanded. As your champion in Congress, I will fight to:

  • Protect and expand the ACA for the millions of people who rely on it every day;
  • Lower the cost of life-saving prescription drugs and quality health insurance coverage for all families in our district;
  • Make sure that every American has access to the best medical care available regardless of ability to pay; 
  • Codify Roe v. Wade and restore a woman’s fundamental right to have autonomy over her own body – period; 
  • Enact legislation that protects a women’s ability to access medication that has made abortions safer and more accessible for those who have made that choice;
  • Advocate to the FDA to lift restrictions and make it easier for women to obtain these medications through the mail so their reproductive choices are not limited by where they live or work; and
  • Repeal the Hyde Amendment, which only serves to make it harder for women of limited means to access abortions.